It was good to see a strong turn out for our partner club's 10k. Running were Jason Hillier 42.18, Mark Slaughter 43.37, Jay Hillier 45.40, Graham West 45.47, Andrew Stolton 47.16, Charlotte Menzies 51.29, Catherine Harker 52.29, Peter Wilkes 54.56, Rebecca Stonebanks 55.44, Christopher Lugg 60.02, Sarah Ballinger 61.31, Christine Tate 61.59

The race was followed by Uckfield Runners club Barbecue for which fortunately the rain held off in spite of threatening forecasts earlier in the week.  After the race it was relaxing afternoon with about 35 attending. During the Barbecue presentations were made for the club award for the highest scoring runners in the 2012/13 Sunday Cross Country League.  Catherine Harker won the ladies award and Graham West the mens award.

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