The rain held off and the sun came out for this rather muddy and hilly 5 mile cross country. Excellent team result of second place for the joint Uckfield/Heathfield Team. Well done to Graham West, Kathleen Southall, Andrew Stolton, Richard Page, Lynette Corke and Chris Lugg. 

To celebrate the first anniversary of the Uckfield beginners group a club attendance at the Eastbourne Parkrun 5k was arranged. Gary Roach, Kassie Smith, Alex Butcher, Sarah Cooper, Caroline Penny and Nikkie Beard and Lorraine West all ran from the Monday and Thursday beginners group supported by the group leaders Emma Hyland (Thursday Group) and Dayle Bryant (Monday Group) and also Rachael Hornigold and Tara Twyman from the main group. This was their first Parkrun for all except for Lorraine for which it was her fifth and she reduced her personal by 2 minutes. 

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